What do Bob Weir and Johnny Knoxville have in common?

The holiday season is always nuts for custom orders here at Wallyworld.  At the last minute, fans of my work decide that they want something wild and funny for their loved ones and I get all these crazy emails requesting crazy pots.  To top it off, I tend to put off the really challenging orders until the last day possible so I’m running around the studio trying to come up with a good idea for someone who is paying a lot of money for a stupid coffee mug.  A good example: the mug you see above and below was a holiday gift for Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead. Wow! I’ve been a fan of the band since the 70s, so it was a bit nerve wracking to do something special for such a legendary musician and cultural icon.  The woman who ordered this piece is a personal friend of Mr. Weir and she sent me some nice pics of him and his pets to inspire the design.  I’m really happy with it, and apparently so was Bobby!

My other big celebrity item this season was a custom salad bowl for the makers of the movie “Jackass 3D”.  I’m somewhat oblivious to this cultural phenomenon, but I guess it’s pretty big because the movie grossed (double entendre intended) over $50 million.  After an hour of serious research on YouTube, I managed to knock out this design in a relatively short period of time.  Kelly, my assistant, did a great job painting this piece, and the people who made the film were thrilled and impressed.  Apparently, Johnny Knoxville might be giving me a call sometime to order more stuff.   Woo-Hoo!

And here’s a lovely plate I made for some regular folk here in Evergreen, CO.  I think it’s pretty much the consummate wedding plate.  The recipients loved it:

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Red Pots! Just in time for Valentine’s Day…

Yesterday’s firing was a big success and the glaze surfaces on the pots turned out absolutely great.  I’m really happy with the new ohata kaki red glaze as it is wonderfully consistent from firing to firing.   On the past dozen or so firings, there have been no technical problems such as glaze running or pinholing.  And the colors are pretty consistent: these photos were shot in available light with no photoshop adjusting.  They just look this vivid!  So today I’m launching my ohata kaki red line.  I’ve added twenty-six new items to my online store and we have a lot of them in multiples so they can be shipped within twenty-four hours of when you place your order.  If you wish to purchase a set of mugs and you want it sent ASAP, please email me first to see if we have the quantity you want in stock.  Also, please note that the nesting bowls and dinnerware sets are sold at a discount if you purchase all three together.  Dinnerware sets are available upon request and I can do custom shapes for the bowls if my standard shape isn’t quite what you want.  Below are just some of the items we have for sale:

02/04/11: The response to this line has been fantastic!  It is now being carried in six galleries: Hands in San Luis Obispo, CA, Carolina Creations in New Bern, NC, New Morning Gallery in Asheville, N.C., Eureka Crafts in Syracuse, N.Y., Show of Hands in Cherry Creek, CO, and the Evergreen Gallery in Evergreen, CO.

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New Year’s Resolutions

We just rolled out the first firing of the year and I’m really excited about making pots these days.  This week I’m throwing a whole new line of Ohata Kaki Red functional ware and it’s wonderfully fun to have a new set of creative issues to deal with.  It’s great for me to get back to my roots as a potter and to be making functional pots that focus more on the sculptural and the textural aspects of the clay.  I’m joking that I have this radical new concept to make pottery without words, jokes or cartoons.  Yup, I’m really gonna shock the art world with this stuff!  My family has enjoyed using our set of red dinnerware over the past year and this glaze is an absolute winner: consistent from firing to firing, no technical problems and the color is a wonderfully sensuous treat for the eyes.  After ten months, I’m still totally infatuated with it.

So last year I made some new year’s resolutions that are interesting to look back on.  The first was to build this new website.  It’s very nice to be able to add new posts with ease and I’ve noticed that announcing these posts on Facebook leads to increased visits to this site.  It’s been rewarding to announce a new design on Facebook and then make a few immediate sales.  My other resolution for 2010 was to develop a line of deluxe funny mugs that pushed my creativity.  The idea was to not worry about the extra time involved producing these items and to just make some really great coffee mugs for my own amusement.  I had this naive belief that if I just made some great pots, the world would beat a path to my door.  Not quite.  But in fifty weeks I created twenty-five new designs that are, in my opinion, some of the best pots I’ve ever made.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is these suckers take way too much time to produce and I feel like I’m shooting myself in the foot time-wise every time I sit down to make these little works of art.  The increased throwing and decoration time isn’t worth the extra four dollars (woo-hoo!) that I get for them.  Oh, and they don’t even sell that well, either.  Of the twenty-five new designs created, only a third have decent sales, a third have mediocre sales and a third have sold between zero and three units each.  And yet, I still think these are some of the best pots I’ve ever made.  Go figure.  1/26/11 – I just discontinued  the sixteen least popular designs of this series.  They are now on sale for $24.00 each in my online store!

So my latest offering in this self-flagellating endeavor is, again, something totally brilliant.  “Tell me about your childhood” has a guy regurgitating childhood images out of his mouth and all around the mug.  I love the way the stuff is coming back around to hit him on the back of the head.  What comes around goes around?

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Ohata Kaki Red!

I always like rolling out the last firing of the year because it’s filled with unusual custom orders and the pots my wife and I give our friends for Christmas.  Over the years we’ve done some really nice items: corked bottles filled with our family’s favorite BBQ curry seasoning, hand-painted tiles, custom house numbers, cobalt blue dip bowls, and more.  This year we came up with my all-time favorite gift: fudge jars!  I had so much fun throwing, trimming and glazing these pots, and the end results were wonderfully successful.  We filled them with homemade fudge and shipped them out the week before Christmas.  The glaze is a traditional iron red called “Ohata Kaki”.  It fires best in an oxidation atmosphere at cone 10 or 11 and it’s really consistent from firing to firing.  I made a set of dinnerware for us this year and it’s such a treat to use.  I’m thinking about doing a whole line of dinnerware next year.  Stay tuned!  Here are some pics of the process:

The square knob on the top is thrown after the lid is trimmed.  It was inspired by the square shape of the pieces of fudge.

Dipping the pots in the glaze is fun because you can get variations on the glaze surface by controlling the drips of the glaze.  It’s done outside because that glaze is as messy as blood.  I have no idea how Dexter cleans up so well after he murders his victims.

It’s so much faster glazing these pots than my hand decorated pots!  The bowls in the center are french onion soup bowls, one of my gifts to Lori this year.

Here’s the finished series.  I was kind of rushed the day we got them out of the kiln and would have liked to take more photos.  I’m really excited about the prospect of doing some simple earthy pots next year!

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Here’s a great last minute gift suggestion: a Wallyware gift certificate!

If you’ve got a total Wallyhead on your gift list and you aren’t sure which design to choose, here’s the perfect way to thrill them: a Wallyware gift certificate!  I just added some gift certificates to my online store and I’m going to throw in FREE SHIPPING for everyone who tries this bold new venture.  My online store has a few limitations in that I can’t have them use it as store credit when they buy something,  so they will have to just email me with what they want and I’ll throw in a free Wally pin if they have  a small credit amount.  In other words, if you give them a $30.00 gift certificate and they buy a $28.00 mug, I’ll pay the shipping and add a Wally pin to boot…. good deal, huh?  Be sure and enter the gift recipient’s name and shipping address into the “ship to” field when you place the order.  We are a bit low on stock in some items right now, but our next kiln comes out on 01/15/11.   If you still are looking for items for us to ship, be sure and take note of the “IN STOCK AND READY TO SHIP” notices with each item.  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good deal!

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Memoirs of a 2010 census worker

Note: this is my contribution to our family holiday newsletter for 2010.  It is all true and not embellished at all.

If there is any better proof that I chose one of the least financially gainful and secure career cards in The Game of Life, it’s the fact that I had to take a job with the 2010 U.S. Census in order to pay my bills this year.  Sixteen dollars and seventy-five cents per hour was my main motivation for doing a three month stint with the government, but in the end I managed to get a whole lot more: a collection of crazy stories that illustrate the current collective psyche of our nation.

The forty-hour training week quickly morphed into a group therapy session for failed entrepreneurs.  My fellow enumerators told a variety of life stories with one common theme: “Business totally sucks these days”.  But our supervisors livened things up with their passion for government service (really!) and their passion for the opposite sex.  I’m not making this up.  Picture a stocky southern woman with bright red hair constantly getting sidetracked and telling us the most bizarre stories of her life.   We learned the sad origin of her teenage grandson’s tattoo, the miracle diet and exercise regimen that allowed her to loose over two hundred pounds in less than a year and, over and over, how much she loves to look at hunky guys.  If I had gotten it all on tape, it would have made a valid sexual harassment lawsuit.  One of the many jaw-droppers of the week was coming back from lunch to find her giving one of the men in our group a back rub.  It’s your tax dollars at work, folks!

While the job of collecting census data is pretty low-key and easy by many standards, there is one significant downside: tea-party zealots.  Apparently we have a lot of them here in Colorado and oddly they all have the same script down for making the census workers’ task more difficult.  It’s a weird mix of extreme hostility towards the government and simplistic romanticism about the U.S. Constitution and the founding fathers.  Every time I tried to explain to these stubborn fanatics that what I was doing is in the constitution and has been going on since 1790, they simply regurgitated a bunch of random Glenn Beck rhetoric.  It turns out Mr. Beck did a long anti-census rant on air last spring and it became these morons’ mantra on how to deal with people like me.  One woman actually said the words, “take away our oppressive government and let the magic of capitalism save this great nation of ours”.  The winner of anti-government freak award was a really tough biker dude who immediately yelled at me when I pulled my car into his driveway.  His house looked like a fortress with animal skulls everywhere, and I later learned from his neighbors that he routinely shoots out the streetlights at the fire station across the street from his home.

So if you are looking for cheap thrills in the year 2020, I highly recommend taking a job with the U.S. Census.

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Artists Only.

For those of you out there who are shopping for a gift for an artist, let me offer some suggestions.  I just scanned the shelves of our factory showroom and we have some darn good artist gifts in stock and ready to ship right now! Just blast on over to our online store, place an order and these lovely items will be on put a UPS truck as soon as is humanly possible.  For starters, the cup and saucer above and below is a great little item for the creative hot beverage drinker.  We have just two of them in stock and they can be found in the “deluxe funny mugs” section for just $32.00.

Next up, a time honored classic!  “Wally wanders into Jackson Pollock’s studio” has been a staple in my line for over twenty years and it’s still a beloved favorite.  Plates are $33.00, mugs are $28.00 and bowls are $28.00.  And yes, we have them all in stock!

And how about a Wally pin to go with that Pollock plate?  They are only $12.50!  Check out the splatter pin and the blue dot pin:

Last but not least, a design that is near and dear to my heart because it pretty much sums up why I’m compelled to make this stuff.  Do you have a potter on your gift list?

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Sacred dip bowls!

Last month I threw ten of these really great bowls with wide bellies and narrow feet.  It’s kind of fussy throwing this kind of shape in porcelain because the pot will flop if the clay isn’t just the right consistency or you aren’t totally “on” with your throwing.  It took me a while to come up with the right design for them.  I did one cartoon on a few of them about food allergies or something… it was ambitious and weird, but not quite right for the shape.  This failure will show up in a few days in the bargain basement section of my online store.  A few weeks ago, I received a special order for Ariel at Sticks.  She had me make an “Our Lady of Guadalupe” bowl and the imagery lent itself to this new design.  I like the way the artwork really fits the shape of the pot.  And it’s the companion piece to the “Jesus is coming and he’s bringing the bean dip” bowl!

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Congratulations to Kelley Garvin for coming up with the winning design in our 2010 ornament design contest!  This is the kind of thing that scientists could find in an archeological dig in the future and say, “Oh my!  This civilization must have fallen apart because of bedbugs.”  Or maybe not.  At any rate, you can get this timely and off the wall trinket at our online store.  But hurry as supplies are limited.  If we do happen to sell out of these this week, we will have more available on 12/14 when our next firing comes out.   And here’s my 2010 ornament design that will surely make the archeologists scratch their heads…

I think this one has the potential to be a treasured family heirloom for generations to come.  And it’s only $12.50!  Now is the time to snap up the ornaments as we have a bunch more blank ones in stock and can ship them by the dozens either now or on 12/14/10.  Stuff those stockings!!!

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Awesome Host and Hostess Gifts!

It’s party time!  If you really want to knock the founder of the feast’s socks off, might I suggest something from the online store here at Wallyware, Inc.?  Let’s start with some inexpensive items and work our way up.  Wally pins and ornaments are a mere $12.50 and they will dazzle the heck out of just about anyone with a sense of style and/or a sense of humor.  Be sure and check out tomorrow’s post for the two totally new ornaments for 2010!  They will be ready to ship on Friday, 12/03.

The “pass it on” bowl ($35.00) is one of my all-time favorites because it’s one of the most original ideas I’ve ever had for a design.  The wording on the inside of the bowl pretty much tells the whole story: “THANKS FOR THE PARTY!  THIS BOWL IS A GIFT.  THE NEXT TIME YOU GO TO A POTLUCK, FILL IT UP WITH SOMETHING GOOD AND ‘FORGET’ TO TAKE IT HOME.”  Pretty cool, huh?  So the way you give this one is to just leave without taking it with you.  It’s a perfect passive-aggressive way to give something to someone who insists that you don’t give them something!

And finally, here’s a great way to initiate your party throwing friends into the world of Wally and help make their cocktail party a total blast.  Might I suggest getting either one or both of the cocktail plate sets ($66.00)?  Each set has four different Wally adventures on six inch porcelain plates.  They are really quite a deal as the labor involved in them is about the same as our eight inch plates that sell for $33.00 each.  And how about this?  If you buy both sets of cocktail plates, I’ll add a bonus Wally pin or ornament for free!

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