Manly mugs!

Yesterday I featured coffee mugs for wild women, so today I’ll show you what we’ve got for crazy guys.  All of these items are all available right now in our online store.  The above mug is, in my humble opinion, just about the best coffee mug I’ve ever created in my entire life.  I only made two of them, and they haven’t sold yet, but GOD DAMN IT! This design is the pinnacle of my creative genius.

Continuing along in our tour of absolutely brilliant manly mug designs that haven’t sold very well, check out this gem.  It was inspired by the Stan Ridgway song, “Jack Talked”.

OK… how about something a little more mainstream and accessible?  The “Holy Shit! That’s good coffee!” mug has been dazzling scores of dudes for decades.  It’s our number one top seller ever.

And here’s a Wally joke that is both popular and brilliant.

Last but not least, one of the nicest new deluxe funny mugs.  Check out the Z?’s stamped in the clay!

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Wild Women Coffee Cups

Here’s a collection of mugs for borderline wacko and just plain crazy women. Surely you have a few of these people on your holiday gift list?  If so, get on over to the funny mugs and deluxe funny mugs sections of my online store and place an order.   One of these delightful cups plus a pound of extra strength java could be just the thing to make your wild woman break into uncontrollable fits of happiness.  And what’s more fun than that?!!

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Geeked on computers

Here’s a couple of computer-themed Wally favorites in honor of “Cyber Monday”, the day everybody allegedly clocks in at work and spends the day shopping online.  While I don’t recommend stealing time from your employer, I do recommend the “Lost in Space” mug, plate or bowl for anyone who is an online shopping aficionado.   Another Wally cartoon that deals jokingly with computers is “Wally learns the true meaning of horror when his mom joins Facebook.”  It’s not based on a true story, but it could be.  We’ve sold a lot of these mugs, plates and bowls this year and they are available at our online store right now.  So hurry up!  Buy some of these pots before your boss gets out of his or her meeting and asks you what you’ve been doing all morning.

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Unicorn farts, etc.

Last week’s firing had a lot of new items, and I finally got them all loaded into the online store!  This first mug is a fun one: it’s a dense collage of some of my favorite images with the words, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” on the front.  You can read into it whatever you want here (and that’s the intention), but my take on it is that we live in a world where there we have lots of free will and a there are a ton of places for your mind to go.  Anybody out there care to give me a better explanation?

Next up: a new Wally design!  I admit it, this is a bit of a “soap box” statement about multi-level marketing systems.  I’m always amazed with a friend or acquaintance will try and sell me something like “Juice Plus” and it’s totally awkward for me to turn them down.  So Wally has found a canine get rich quick scheme:

The inspiration for my latest funny mug came from a dismal op ed piece about fracking, the environmentally unfriendly way to get coal out of the ground.  Since half of our electricity comes from coal, the electric car isn’t quite as magical as it seems.  This mug is selling really well in my online store, and I figure anything with rainbows and unicorns has to be a hit!

And last but not least, a cool new deluxe funny mug that takes paranoia to dizzying heights.  I’ll let the mug speak for itself:

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Wally goes to Hollywood!

Here’s a nice little artifact from the 1980s: Wally and Demi Moore sharing a scene in the apocalyptic thriller, “The Seventh Sign”.  When I used to do craft fairs in Los Angeles, people would come up to me and tell me they had seen Wally in this movie and I was dubious.  But lo and behold, it’s true!  Wally got a ride on Demi’s raincoat during a suspenseful scene in a church, and rumor has it he suggested to her that she play a potter in her next movie, which turned out to be “Ghost”.  Finding this photo inspired me make more Wally pins and add them to my line.  My assistant and I came up with a slew of new colors, and they are all for sale at my online store.

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“How do you make those Jesus bowls?”

One of the most time-consuming and (unfortunately!) popular designs in my line right now is the “Jesus is coming and he’s bringing the bean dip” bowl.  For the record, the wording on this item is intentionally cryptic and not meant to offend religious sensibilities in any way. The fact that this bowl got a bunch of nuns giggling at a craft fair gives me the confidence to shrug off critics who find it blasphemous or annoying.  What annoys me about this bowl is how much time it takes to make a batch of them.  The clay work and the decorating effort are both pretty intense.  They are one of the pricier items in my line at $54.00, but if you check out the photos below, you will realize that you are getting your money’s worth when you buy this piece.  I’ve always wondered how many separate steps it takes to make these pots, so last week we painstakingly photographed the entire process.  This item is for sale, of course, at my online store.

Step 1: Weighing and wedging the clay.

Step 2: Centering on the wheel.

Step 3: Pulling up the clay.

Step 4: Flattening out the rim with a flexible aluminum rib.

Step 5: Folding the rim.

Step 6: Smoothing the outside.

Step 7: Bending the back of the bowl.

Step 8: Cutting the bowl off of the bat (round wooden disk).

Step 9: After the pots have dried overnight to a leather hard state, the rims are smoothed with a sponge.

Step 10: Trimming on the wheel.

Step 11: Sponging and smoothing with an aluminum rib.

Step 11: Smoothing with a sponge and an aluminum rib.

Step 11: Smoothing with a sponge and an aluminum rib.

Step 12: Handbuilding the wheels.

Step 12: A bisque tool is used to make the "hubcaps".

Step 13: Handbuilding the spikes.

Step 14: Attaching the wheels. Putting slip (wet clay) on with a toothbrush.

Step 14: Attaching the wheels. Scoring the underside with a needle tool.

Step 14: Attaching the wheels. Slipping and scoring the wheels.

Step 14: Attaching the wheels.

Step 15: Signing the underside.

Step 16: Attaching the spikes. Putting slip where the spikes will go.

Step 16: Attaching the spikes. Scoring the bowl where the spikes will go.

Step 16: Attaching the spikes. To secure the spike, it helps to twist it a little bit when you press it on.

Step 17: After the bowls dry a little bit, they are flipped over so the wheels won't crack as they dry and shrink.

Step 18: Loading the pots into the bisque firing (1800 degrees F).

Step 19: Applying wax resist to the wheels.

Step 19: Applying wax resist to the wheels.

Step 20: Drawing the spiral on the inside of the bowl with a black underglaze pencil.

Step 21: Painting the inside of the bowl (orange underglaze).

Step 21: Painting the inside of the bowl (black underglaze).

Step 22: Drawing the decoration on the outside of the bowl.

Step 23: Painting the outside of the bowl (yellow underglaze).

Step 23: Painting the outside of the bowl (orange underglaze).

Step 23: Painting the outside of the bowl (red underglaze).

Step 23: Painting the outside of the bowl (black underglaze).

Jesus bowls waiting to be baptized in the holy glaze.

Step 24: Dipping the bowls in the glaze.

Step 24: Dipping the bowls in the glaze.

Step 25: Cleaning the glaze off of the bottoms of the wheels.

Step 26: Loading the glaze kiln. Alumina oxide is sprinkled on the kiln shelves to prevent the wheels from sticking to the shelves.

Step 26: Loading the glaze kiln. Alumina oxide is sprinkled on the kiln shelves to prevent the wheels from sticking to the shelves.

Step 26: Loading the kiln.

Step 27: Firing the kiln to cone 10 (2300 degrees F).

Step 28: After one day of firing, and two days of cooling, the kiln is ready to be unloaded.

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Wally goes to college.

The basic premise of Wally is that he can go anywhere and do anything.  Over the years he’s gone to hell, interacted with countless celebrities and done things you and I can only dream of.  This week finds him in college at CU Boulder.  Woo-Hoo!  And he’s found his true passion in life: beer pong.  I’m drawing this design on oversize mugs (14 oz.) and they are for sale in our online store for the same cost as the regular mugs ($28.00).  And yes, we can customize it for whatever center of higher learning you desire.  Just place the order online, and tell us what college you want Wally to go to.  Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.  It’s the perfect gift for that kid that is costing you $40K a year for a bachelor’s degree!

And as if that weren’t enough, here’s a new deluxe funny mug about the future.  It’s based on that great Arthur C. Clarke quote, “The future isn’t what it used to be.”

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A new crop of deluxe funny mugs!

Here’s a nice little window to the creative process here at my studio.  At the end of the day when we painted these prototype mugs, I broke out the “Confetti Plus” to celebrate the event (and make a nice shot for this blog post).    It’s always fun coming up with new designs, and I think these ones have some really nice ideas happening. You may purchase them at my online store.

“IT’S FUN FRIDAY!!” – Created on a Friday morning, I think this mug could start a revolution in the American workplace.  Roller skating to work, free donuts, putting booze in your coffee and playing practical jokes are just the things to bring this country back to greatness.

“WE GET MESSED UP BY FORCES THAT WE JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND” – This line comes from the song, “Tell Me About Your Drugs” by Robyn Hitchcock.  This lyric led to a nice musing on the range of things that cause us problems.  I love the way these images are a mix of weird, dark, funny and mysterious.

“BE MY BABY, BE MY HONEY… IF YOU DON’T, I’LL BEAT YOU BLOODY!!” – Another great lyric here, this time from my favorite riot grrrl band, Lust-Cats of the Gutters.  They just got a nice write-up in Bust magazine.  Check it out.

“IT’S TIME TO GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH OUR IMAGINARY FRIENDS” – I really like this one, especially the character, “Colonel Ducky”.  I’m thinking he’s a caustic revolutionary war hero who drinks too many mint juleps and ruefully laments the decline of The South.  For the record, I never had an imaginary friend as a child.

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Could somebody please put a straight jacket on that juggling jogger!

Wow!  For the second time this year, I got one of my funny running memoirs printed front and center in “The Lighter Side” section of Colorado Runner.  This one is from a collection of stories about “My Craziest Races”:

At age 47, I was feeling pretty good about myself by qualifying for the A wave of the Boulder Boulder 10K.  Two miles into the race I was running comfortable 6:05 minute miles when I passed a college age guy who was JUGGLING TENNIS BALLS AS HE RAN!  It totally burst my bubble and I suddenly realized how one person’s race pace is another person’s easy clip.  I managed to stay ahead of him for the rest of the race, and the high point of the day for me was beating the legendary Bill Rodgers who finished a minute and a half behind me.  I don’t know how Bill did against the tennis ball guy.

And I just discovered a really cool database for runners that allows you, with the click of a button, to compile a list of all your race results over that past few decades.  Athlinks is perfect for the running geek who wants to instantly calculate the average time of his or her marathons, half marathons, 10Ks or whatever.  Check it out!

Here’s a nice shot Lori took at last month’s Mt. Evans Ascent.  It’s a 14.5 mile race that starts at 10,600 ft. elevation and finishes at 14,264 ft.  The weather was perfect and I felt pretty strong considering the high elevation.  I’m the runner in the yellow shirt:

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That’s why they call her, “Your Highness”!

All hail the queen of caffeine!  She rules the land with a shaky hand!

Oh man, this one was designed with sales in mind because it falls back on two time honored themes: cuteness and caffeine.  Right now I only have one in stock but I’m pretty sure I’ll be making more in the near future.  If you want to claim this throne as your own, get over to the online store ASAP!!!!

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