Laying an Egg for The Evergreen Gallery

I received a phone call last January from Valerie Howell, the owner of The Evergreen Gallery.  She was looking for an artist to paint an egg for an upcoming fundraiser for the Evergreen Downtown Business Association’s 3rd Annual Egg Painting Contest. I agreed to do it, and the next day I went skiing and came up with the idea for my egg: “Wally and the Easter Bunny ponder the transient nature of reality”.  I made an extra one just in case something went wrong, and it is for sale for $80.00 in my online store. The Wally egg will be on display along with twenty other works of egg art by local artists at the Evergreen National Bank in downtown Evergreen during the month of April. There is a contest for the best of show, and I’m hoping that Wally makes it on the podium.  More on this story as it develops.

The Evergreen Gallery has been carrying my work for over fifteen years now, and it always has an excellent selection of my pots on hand due to the fact that my pieces are on consignment and it’s easy for me to drop by and give them my latest designs.  Valerie Howell and former owner Meryl Sabeff both have an excellent eye for art and craft and the selection of artists is outstanding.  It’s well worth the drive up to Evergreen to see what they have on hand.  For those of you reading this from outside of Colorado, the best way to visualize Evergreen is to think of the TV show, “South Park”.   Co-creator Trey Parker grew up in nearby Conifer and the small town in the show is an homage to our fine mountain community… really!

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A new drug mug + Wally’s Prius tries to kill him

Two of the top selling themes in my line of pottery are coffee and drugs. “Holy Shit! That’s good coffee!” was one of the very first jokes I ever put on a mug and it’s still selling really well.   So it is with great pleasure that I debut one of the best cartoons ever on the topic of mind altering stuff: the “Tell me about your drugs” mug.  The words come from one of my favorite songs by Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians, and I think this is one of my finest “collage of images” designs.  What I really like about this one is that it makes you think about the good and bad aspects of drug use.  Some drugs are wonderful: music and art have the ability to take our minds away and return us to the real world in better shape than before.  But drugs, gambling and alcohol are clearly on the other end of the spectrum.  I’m thinking about marketing this item to the psychiatric community as it could be the perfect gift for the people who deal with these issues on a day to day basis.

And my new Wally design is pretty darn timely.  The bizarre mystery about what is causing random Toyotas to speed up and apparently attempt to kill their owners reminded me of the dialog between astronaut Dave and Hal the computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey”.  Until they find out what is actually causing this phenomenon, my explanation is as good as any…

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Six new deluxe mugs!

Last week’s firing was a really good one and I’m excited about the debut of my new line of deluxe funny mugs.  These pieces are a lot more labor intensive than my standard line and the shapes of the mugs all relate to their themes.  I just added them to my webstore and you may purchase them there.  I’ve also added and updated a lot of discontinued items in Wally’s Bargain Basement, so if you want to get some great deals, get there before someone else does as we won’t be making any more items like “Double entendre fully intended, Wally uses his government stimulus package to bail out the exotic dance industry”.

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New Mugs!

This week we’re decorating pots like mad and next week I’ll debut a new line of mugs.  While I really like my standard cylinder mug because the shape lends itself well to my cartoons, I’ve always wanted to produce more engaging shapes.  So last week I threw a dozen or so new prototypes for the new designs.  The pressed letters in these mugs will accentuate the themes of the pots, and I’ll leave it a mystery for now as to what these vessels will have to say when the kiln is unloaded next Tuesday.  Stay tuned!

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Gallery Shout-out: Sticks!

Sticks is more than a couple of great galleries in Des Moines.  It’s more than a team of over one hundred artisans producing spectacular furniture and objects decorated with heartfelt imagery.  It’s a force of nature.  For those of us who make a living in the fine craft world, Sticks is the pinnacle of what a fine craft business can be.  Started in 1992 by Sarah Grant, the company derives its name from the found wood it uses to create its objects.  From it’s simple beginnings as a candlestick and holiday ornament line, Sticks has risen to the level of design team nonpareil as evidenced by the installation pictured above.  “The Furniture City Sets the Table for the World of Art” was collaboration with Sticks and Stephen Fry, president of The Concept Design Group.  It sits atop the Blue Bridge in Grand Rapids, Michigan and took 8th place in the 2009 ArtPrize competition.  Who says crafts have to be humble?

Sticks has been carrying my work for over eight years now and they are a steady, dependable account.  Wally’s finest hour with Sticks came in January of 2004 when they had me come up with a couple of custom Wally adventures for the Iowa Caucus.  We shipped out just two dozen pieces, and we should have made more.  Sticks is located across the street from the state capitol and the response to these pieces was amazing.  They sold out very quickly.  The media folk liked the MTV joke, and the Greenpeace design was presented in public by Sticks to the Governor of Iowa.  It’s a real honor to have Sticks carry my work all these years.  And if Stephen Fry and his design group ever need another concept for a bridge or something, Wally is available!

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Funny Running & Coach Sam Adams

I have two distinctly different bits of news from the running world to share today.  The first is on the lighter side and was in fact published this month in the section of Colorado Runner Magazine called “The Lighter Side”.  Last summer they ran a contest where readers were asked to send in their funniest running stories.  I had a good one so I wrote it up and sent it off.  Lo and behold, it took first place and I won a free entry to The Rock ‘N Roll Marathon in Tempe.  I ended up selling my entry to the race, but it was fun to see the story in print.  My memorial beat out stories about getting shoes stuck in mud, using a maxi-pad as a shoe insert and a bout of uncontrollable diaherria at a track meet.  (EEEEEW!)  So I think the best tale won.  You be the judge:

“I was a junior at UC Santa Barbara it was the first week of organized workouts for the intercollegiate cross country team.  We were taking a couple of the new members on a run that finishes up on the beach.  As we descended a trail that leads to the beach, we practically ran into a couple making love in the sand on the beach.  We all breezed passed them silently and the new guys were totally floored, to say the least.  Later, we made a lot of jokes about ‘the natural flora and fauna at UCSB’.”

My other sports news is about the passing of Coach Sam Adams.  He died last Monday at the age of 78.  I was fortunate to have been coached by “The Rock” during my four years at UCSB, and he was a great guy to know.  He was quiet, gentle and humorous.  His forte was the decathlon.  In the late 70s I was there to see him coach star pentathlete Jane Frederick, who was America’s best throughout the late 70s and early 80s.  The film, “Personal Best” was based on her life, and it’s like a time machine for me to watch as a lot of the track scenes have Jane and other athletes I knew from that era.  Sam, you will be missed!

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New Year’s Resolution #2: Put discontinued items on sale!

I just spent a full day reorganizing and revamping the online store and I’m on a crusade to get rid of all of my old and dated items.  There is a new section in “Wally’s Bargain Basement” for discontinued designs.  All four of the plates above are there (as of 01/13/10) and we will be adding new pieces daily to restock this department.  You can get some great deals: plates are just $14.00 each and mugs are $12.00.  And a few of the really outdated pots are even cheaper!  It’s also important to note that all orders over $150.00 get free UPS ground shipping.  Happy shopping!

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New Year’s Resolution #1: Build a new website!

Welcome to the new Wallyware website!  Our old website at will be up for just a few more weeks as we load all the content on to this one.  I really like this new domain name as I can’t tell you how many times in the past six years I’ve had to say, “It’s wallyware, spelled W-A-L-L-Y-W-A-R-E dot B-I-Z, that’s Z as in zebra.”  And this WordPress software is really easy to use and update.  Kudos to my oldest daughter, Robin for encouraging me to try this and then spending a day of her time to help me put it together.  She’s really sharp with this stuff and deserves a lot of credit for the look of this site.  It was wonderfully fun to collaborate on the graphics and layout with her.  Thanks, Robin!!!

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Custom Orders, Part Two

Last week’s posting on custom orders was advertised in an email I sent out to the seven hundred or more people on my mailing list. I managed to get some interesting orders and the pictures of these items speak for themselves. Like I said last week, I have mixed feelings about these kind of orders. They are a lot more work than my standard items, but it’s really fun to see what people come up with. And the people who order these items are really thrilled to get them, so it’s fun to get the rave reviews. Sales are still pretty slow this year, so this is a good way for me to squeeze some extra sales out of a slow economy. If you like what you see here and want to place your own order, just check out the “custom items” section of my webstore. You might want to get your orders in before I raise my prices on this service. Our next kiln comes out in about three weeks!

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It’s kind of like making custom birthday cakes, only on pottery.

My apologies to my faithful readers for my lapse in blog postings lately. I kind of dropped the ball on my blog last month and I’m finally getting back in gear here. This week I’m putting together a pair of email sales pitches to my retail customers and my wholesale accounts for a niche market I’ve been cultivating over the years: custom cartoons on pots. It’s a service I’ve been doing for years, and we always get rave reviews for these items. It’s always interesting to see what kind of designs people come up with. Last week, I received a great little cartoon for an order for a commemorative bowl for a dog named Toby who passed away this year. I’m looking forward to putting this cartoon on a salad bowl. To me, this is the perfect custom order: simple, fun to draw and very sweet.

Over the years, I’ve done dozens upon dozens of these kind of pots. Commemorative wedding gifts are a popular item. One of my all-time favorites had Wally jumping a Harley Davidson motorcycle over the wedding party, on the groom’s side were scary biker types and on the bride’s side normal middle-class people. It’s a timeless story: the good girl falls for the bad boy. For some reason, I seem to have gotten a number of custom orders from Deadheads and Phish devotees. These cartoons are as cryptic as Grateful Dead lyrics: “Harry meets Sarah dancing in The Phil Zone”. Unfortunately, I haven’t taken many pictures of these items, but perusing my collection of pics this afternoon, I did find a good one that illustrates this point perfectly. If you happen to fall in love at a jam band concert and you want a commemorative item, I’m the guy you need to call, OK? !!!!!
So I kind of have a love/hate relationship with these pots. I’ve been known to grouse about how much work it can be to draw them. Those “Holy Shit! That’s good coffee!” mugs are so easy to draw, I can do them with my eyes closed. Conversely, the graphics on these custom orders are a real challenge. And I don’t charge nearly enough as I should for this service. Right now, it will set you back and extra five dollars for a custom order. Pretty cheap, huh? I suppose I should charge more. But when these pots come out of the kiln or when I get that glowing email telling me how the plate with the goofy cartoon made the birthday girl cry tears of joy, it makes me realize I can’t stop making these pots for people. To order a custom item, you can go to the “custom items” section of my webstore.

Father’s Day SHOUT OUT to Walter G. Edwards: My dad turns eighty this year and he was the early inspiration for my odd style of drawing. When my sister and I were kids, he would always leave us silly notes with lousy drawings on them. I’m pretty sure these lousy drawings were stuck in my subconscious when I picked up a glaze pencil back in the 1980s and started this line of work. Thanks, Dad, for teaching me how to draw like an eight year old!

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