For years I’ve talked about how I should make a platter that compares my job of filling kilns and emptying them to the Greek myth where the guy is stuck in hell pushing a rock up a hill only to watch it fall back again. This is such an apt metaphor for so many of the things we do in life: mowing the lawn and doing laundry to name a few. It’s also the basic plot line for every single Road Runner cartoon, right? The impetus for making this platter is the upcoming Mountain Area Potters Gang show, “Cloth and Clay: Textural Explorations”. We were encouraged to incorporate texture into our work and the celadon rim of this platter fills that bill. It was so satisfying to see this platter come together with out any technical problems. I nailed it on on first take! The show opens on Friday, May 10 with a reception from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Center for the Arts Evergreen. Come see it!

I’ve taken the past few months to slow down on producing pots, develop new work and improve every step of my process. Probably the most satisfying change was turning my cluttered stock room into a state of the art photo studio. Christian, my assistant, was instrumental in designing this studio and the results are wonderful, as you can see by the photos in this blog. The “King Tesla” mug here was the first test of new gold luster decals that I’m incorporating into my decal line. It’s exciting to have a new palette of imagery and I’ve got some great new work coming out the second week in May. To see a great selection of my latest decal work for sale, check out the “Photo Decal Pots” section of my online store. A lot of these pieces are one of a kind experiments in the $15 – $30 price range. Check ’em out!