Yes, I am using this adorable baby to shamelessly sell pots. The customer who sent me the photo gave me permission to use it under the stipulation that I “don’t turn it into one of those creepy animated baby commercials”. No problem. I’m barely competent at Photoshop software so I assure you this is as far as it goes.
The above plate is a great example of how a good input can lead to a lovely gift item. All the words were written by the customer and my job was to simply put her idea on the plate. At first it seemed like a tall order, but the dinner plate size lends itself well to ambitious designs and this one was surprisingly easy to implement once I got working on it. The only thing I need to stress to those of you who want me to do things like this is that you need to think of the idea because my brain kind of locks up when I’m asked to “do something funny about golf”, or whatever.
I love this new mug because of the “hook” at the bottom right. I would bet that we’re going to get customers at fine craft galleries asking the salespeople, “Do you have one of these without the bloody severed head?”
And my new Wally adventure was inspired in part by the fact that I’m training for my first ultra marathon. On May 1st I’ll be doing a 50K (31 mile) trail race in Larkspur, CO. The week before last I put in an epic 90 miles in seven days and this design came into my head during one of my long runs. I love the subtext of the joke which is, “If I were to just eat, think and exercise correctly, amazing things would happen to me.” This joke is available in mugs, plate and bowls at my online store.
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