Two years ago I was slated to give my talk on “Copyright 101 for Ceramic Decal Printers” at the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference in Richmond, VA but Covid-19 put the brakes on everything. So I resubmitted my paper and got it accepted to this year’s conference in Sacramento, CA. NCECA is like Disneyland for clay people. There are lectures, demos, gallery shows and manufacturers pitching their wares. It will be so fun to be part of the show this time.

Rosetta Technologies will be giving a CerPrint true black (or blue) decal printer to one lucky member of the audience at my talk! I’m really interested to see if this draws a big crowd. I think it will. I’m also giving away a farting unicorn mug, and a Shitcoin with a bag of assorted decals. Must be present to win.

I had a really nice talk with Paul Blais on The Potters Cast podcast a couple of weeks ago. We revisited my copyright dispute with Tesla Motors and discussed some of the technical aspects of putting decals on pots. I even got to pitch my argument that putting a city on Mars is a really really bad idea. You can hear our whole conversation here.

And last but not least, I’ll be taking over eighty brand new Shitcoins to NCECA next week, so if you read this while you are at the conference, go to my lecture and hit me up for some ceramo-currency. I made a special commemorative decal for the backs of the coins. And if you’re not going to the conference, you can find some really good ones in my online store.